
Mid-Carolina Chapter

Phi Delta Kappa International


Approved by International in letter dated December 3, 2004.



Section 1.       General Provisions               Page 1

Section 2.       The Membership                   Page 2

Section 3        The Chapter                            Page 4

Section 4.       Bylaws, Amendments            Page 8




1.1       Name, Nature and Purpose          


1.1.1    This chapter is a unit of Phi Delta Kappa International, Incorporated, (hereinafter “PDK”) and shall be known as the Mid-Carolina Chapter (hereinafter “the chapter”).

1.1.2    The chapter shall be located in Region VIII and shall be locally situated in the University of South Carolina Sumter.

1.1.3    The nature and purpose of the chapter shall be in concert with the nature and purpose of PDK, an education association that is professional and collegial.             The chapter shall be concerned with and direct its efforts toward the improvement of education, especially of publicly supported, universally available education.             The chapter’s purpose shall be addressed through the development of professional relationships or partnerships not only with educators but also with like-minded individuals and groups.

1.1.4    The character of the chapter in carrying forward programs, activities, and initiatives in support of the association’s purpose shall be nonpolitical or nonpartisan to the greatest extent possible.

1.1.5    In seeking improvement of education, the chapter shall base its support and actions on sound principles of leadership, careful and objective research, and the desire to serve the common good.


1.2       Governance Authority


1.2.1    The chapter shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws of PDK, including all amendments and revisions thereto.             In the event that these chapter bylaws conflict with the PDK Constitution and Bylaws, the latter shall prevail and the chapter bylaws shall be revised accordingly.

1.2.2    The chapter shall be operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes consistent with the provisions of section 501©)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

1.2.3    The fiscal year of the chapter shall be the same as the fiscal year of PDK, extending from July 1 through June 30.

1.2.4    The chapter shall establish a budget that is consistent with its purpose, goals, and activities.

1.2.5    The chapter shall be responsible for any fiscal obligation not authorized by the International Board.             No loan shall be contracted in the name of PDK without approval of the International Board.

1.2.6    The chapter shall establish the annual chapter dues, which shall be billed by the PDK International Office at the time that it bills for association dues.             Annual dues for new chapter members are paid to the chapter, which shall remit the international portion of such dues to the PDK International Office.             All dues are payable in advance of the membership year to which such dues are credited.

1.2.7    Authority not specified in these chapter bylaws shall be exercised in a manner consistent with the PDK Constitution and Bylaws.

1.2.8    In accordance with the PDK Constitution and bylaws, the following bylaws shall serve as guides for conducting the business of the Mid-Carolina Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa International.

1.2.9    Parliamentary procedure shall follow the rules specified in Robert’s Rules of Order.




2.1       Member Eligibility and Obligations


2.1.1    Membership in the chapter shall be open to professional and other individuals of good character who are committed to the purpose of the association.

2.1.2    Application for membership shall be by nomination of a good-standing member (or members) or by self-nomination.

2.1.3    Acceptance into membership commits the member to affiliation with PDK and agreement to support the association’s efforts to fulfill its purpose.

2.1.4    The chapter shall not modify membership requirements as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.


2.2       Categories of Membership


2.2.1    Professional membership shall be available to persons who demonstrate professional conduct and who hold a baccalaureate degree, are licensed or credentialed as educators, or are employed in an education-related field as identified by the PDK International Board, as specified in the PDK Constitution and Bylaws.             Professional membership is available to undergraduate education majors prior to graduation who are in or have successfully completed a student teaching experience.             Professional membership, in addition to the general category, also shall include the subcategories of emeritus, life, and senior membership, as specified in the PDK Constitution and Bylaws.             Professional membership shall include individual voting rights.

2.2.2    Associate membership shall be available to persons of good character who subscribe to the purpose of the association but are not eligible for professional membership, including undergraduate students (prior to student teaching), parents, government officials, and other individuals.             Associate membership, in addition to the general category, also shall include the subcategories of honorary and international courtesy, as specified in the PDK Constitution and Bylaws.             Associate membership shall not include voting rights.

2.2.3    To be accepted for membership, a candidate must receive a majority vote of the membership committee.


2.3       Continuation, Transfer, and Termination of Membership


2.3.1    Good-standing membership shall be continued until the member, in accordance with the PDK Constitution and Bylaws: requests withdrawal, is automatically withdrawn for nonpayment of dues, or is expelled.

2.3.2    Professional members may choose between chapter-membership or direct membership at their discretion.

2.3.3    No person may be a member of a chapter without being a member of PDK.


2.4       Dues


2.4.1    Annual dues for regular chapter membership are $30 ($15 dues, $5 for local scholarship, $$10 for Educational Foundation).  The international office bills the member for total annual dues and returns $30 to this chapter as local dues.

2.4.2    Annual dues for student membership without initiation are one-half of the regular international dues and one-half of the chapter’s dues.  These dues are paid to the chapter and the chapter remits the international portion of dues to the international office.

2.4.3    Total annual dues are payable in advance of the membership year to which such dues are credited.

2.4.4    Ten dollars from the local dues of each member in good standing on June 1st of each year will be forwarded to PDK International as a contribution to the Educational Foundation.

2.4.5    Five dollars from the local dues of each member in good standing on May 1st of each year will be awarded each year in the form of a scholarship to a deserving high school senior that intends to major in education.  The senior must attend one of the public high schools in the service area.  The scholarship will be known as the Mid-Carolina Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship, and will be awarded according to policies set by the scholarship committee. 




3.1       Governance, Practices, Standards, and Services


3.1.1    The chapter governing board shall be composed of the officers of the chapter, which shall include the president, vice-president for programs (president-elect), vice-president for membership, secretary, treasurer, historian, foundation representative, advisor, and immediate past-president.             Eligibility for chapter office shall be limited to professional members in good standing.             The offices of president and treasurer may not be held concurrently by the same individual.             The president shall assume primary responsibility for all chapter activities.

3.1.2    The term of office for all chapter officers shall be two years.             Chapter officers shall hold office during the succeeding fiscal year.  (Fiscal year is July 1-June 30.)             All chapter officers may serve successive terms except that a full-term president and vice-president for programs (president-elect) may not succeed themselves.             If the office of the president is vacated for any reason except expiration of term, the vice-president for programs shall perform the duties, and shall be installed in the office at the next regular meeting.             If the office of any officer other than president is vacated for any reason except expiration of term, the vacancy shall be filled by a special election called by the president.  If, however, the vacancy occurs within three months of the next election, the office may be left vacant or the governing board may appoint one of its members to carry out the duties of the office.             The president shall appoint a newsletter editor, who may appoint a staff to assist in publishing the newsletter.  The editorial staff is subject to the approval of the governing board.             The president shall appoint a web-page editor, who may appoint a staff to assist in creating and maintaining a web-page.  The web-page staff is subject to the approval of the governing board.             The president may appoint a parliamentarian to advise him/her on procedures in the conducting of the business of the chapter.             Newly elected officers shall be installed by the retiring president at the last regular meeting of the Phi Delta Kappa year.  No person may be declared an officer until formally installed.             If an officer fails to perform the duties as outlined in the chapter bylaws, or fails to attend seventy-five percent of the scheduled meetings, he or she may be removed from office upon the recommendation of the governing board and a majority vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.

3.1.3    The chapter shall be responsible, in addition to upholding the purpose of the association, for the following: 1) promoting membership, 2) inducting and retaining members, 3) carrying out fiscal responsibilities according to International Board policy, 4) promulgating programs and services related to education, 5) fostering and supporting diversity and equity, 6) maintaining chapter bylaws, 7) promoting the Phi /Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, and 8) communicating with members and the International Board.             The chapter shall report its activities in a manner chosen in consultation with the regional representative.             The chapter may request assistance from a chapter/member liaison in order to fulfill its purpose and may request appointment of a liaison by the regional representative.

3.1.4    The chapter shall welcome members through induction and orientation activities as determined by the chapter governing board and chapter members.

3.1.5    The chapter shall accept the transfer of any professional member upon request of that member.


3.2       Election of Officers


3.2.1   At least two months prior to the election, the president shall appoint a committee to conduct nominations and elections.  This committee shall recommend a slate of officers and may recommend a slate of additional members for the executive board.            The committee shall be comprised of at least four (4) members representing different educational communities served by the Mid-Carolina Chapter.

3.2.2   The nominations and elections committee shall prepare a slate of candidates, which shall be communicated to all members of the chapter.            The committee shall receive nominations and shall determine each candidate’s eligibility to stand office.            The slate proposed by the nominating committee shall be announced at the meeting prior to the election, and nominations also shall be open on the floor at the meeting.             To be eligible for election, a candidate must accept the nomination in person at the election or in writing if unable to attend the election meeting.             No candidate for office may serve on the election committee.

3.2.3   The nominations and elections committee shall conduct the election no later than April of the year in which officer will take office in July.            Election will be by simple majority of those eligible members voting.            The vote shall be by secret ballot.            In the event of a tie between the two leading candidates for an office or between candidates, there shall be a run-off ballot to decide the winner.

3.2.4    Only professional members of the chapter in good standing may hold office or vote in elections of officers or vote to change bylaws.  Prior to such elections, members who desire to vote must display their membership credentials to the election committee.


3.3       Dissolution


3.3.1    If the chapter surrenders its charter voluntarily or must forfeit its charter for cause, as determined by the International Board pursuant to the PDK Constitution and Bylaws, then the chapter treasury shall be disbursed in a manner determined by the International Board.


3.4       Duties of Officers and Other Functionaries


3.4.1    The president shall preside at all meetings, supervise all activities, and assume primary responsibilities for all chapter activities.

3.4.2    The vice president for programs shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president.  He/she shall be chairman of the program committee and perform such duties as may be assigned by the president.  If no parliamentarian is appointed, the vice president for programs shall serve in that capacity. 

3.4.3    The vice president for membership shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president and the absence of the vice-president for programs.  He/she shall be chairman of the membership committee and perform such duties as may be assigned by the president.

3.4.4    The secretary shall keep minutes of all executive and regular chapter meetings, present these for approval at the next regular meeting of the chapter, handle the general correspondence of the chapter, maintain an accurate mailing list of all chapter members, supervise duplicating and mailing, and serve as steward of all apparatus belonging to the chapter.  He/she shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the president.

3.4.5    The treasurer shall collect and have charge of all monies collected, pay all approved bills, keep books, make a report at each meeting, prepare a yearly financial statement for approval by the governing board, and perform other duties as may be assigned by the president.

3.4.6    The historian shall keep an accurate record of the various meetings, the programs of such meetings, and the membership.  He/she shall present an annual report to the chapter secretary.

3.4.7    The foundation representative shall coordinate foundation activities at the chapter level and review and act upon all foundation-related mailings from the international office.

3.4.8    The advisor shall advise the president and the chapter on items before the chapter as well as other duties as may be assigned by the president.

3.4.9    The newsletter editor each year shall publish at least seven (7) newsletters on chapter activities and other subjects of interest to the members, including executive meeting actions, time and place of chapter meetings, nominations, and proposed amendments of bylaws.

3.4.10  The web-page editor each year shall maintain the chapter website to include meeting dates, meeting minutes, and any other appropriate information.

3.4.11  The immediate past-president shall advise the president and the chapter on items before the chapter as well as other duties as may be assigned by the president.


3.5       Standing Committees


3.5.1    There shall be a governing board composed of all elected officers of the chapter.  The governing board shall determine the time and place of meetings; plan programs for the chapter; propose the budget for the fiscal year; recommend to the chapter members to fill offices vacated by resignations, dismissals, or deaths; carry out routine business between chapter meetings; and make recommendations to the chapter on other business matters such as expending unbudgeted funds.

3.5.2    The program committee will be chaired by the vice-president for programs and include at least four (4) other members appointed by the president.  This committee has the right and duty of preparing programs for each meeting.

3.5.3    The membership committee will be chaired by the vice president for membership and include at least four (4) other members appointed by the president.  This committee has the right and duty of selecting as members those candidates who meet the requirements for membership.  The committee is to receive nominations from the members and self-nominations.  It will seek out candidates in the area normally served by the chapter who have achieved a measure of success in the profession and who show promise of a successful career in education.  It will also search carefully among all students of education of those deserving of membership and present to the chapter the names of those undergraduate education majors who are in or have successfully completed student teaching, and graduate students who are preparing for a life career in educational service, who are maintaining a high standard of scholarship, and who are likely to be helped by Phi Delta Kappa and likely to be assets to the chapter.  Before selecting a candidate for membership, the committee shall ensure that the individual satisfies the membership requirements outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws.  The committee will also institute plans and procedures to encourage members to remain in good standing and to encourage Kappans who move into the chapter’s service area to affiliate with the chapter.             The membership committee will assume responsibility for the following:

A.                 Accept member-sponsored nominations for prospective members.

B.                 Accept self-nominations from prospects for membership.

C.                 Secure documentation to substantiate that membership requirements have been met.

D.                 Examine the credentials of all prospective members and vote to accept or reject them.

3.53.2              Procedures for implementing decisions of the membership committee are as follows:

A.                 Membership committee notifies candidates of the committee’s actions.

B.                 Membership committee informs persons accepted for membership of the date for initiation and provides necessary forms/materials.

C.                 Membership committee receives fees and any other materials required for membership.

D.                 Membership committee prepares for an orientation of new members and prepares for initiation.

E.                  Candidate is initiated.

F.                  The name of the member is published and distributed to chapter members.

G.                 The chapter sends initiation report and fees to the international office.

3.5.4    The scholarship committee will be chaired by the president and include all executive board members and four (4) other members appointed by the president.  This committee will use the PDK International Scholarship Application and distribute copies to all public high schools in the service area. The application will be distributed to all service area public high schools as soon as it is received from International and all completed applications must be received by the chapter secretary by the date listed on the application.  The scholarship committee will meet, review the applications and determine a winner.  The scholarship award will be made at the high school’s awards ceremony. 


3.6       Ad Hoc Committees


3.6.1    The president may appoint ad hoc committees to perform whatever functions he/she, the governing board, or the chapter deem necessary or desirable.


3.7       Ratification


3.7.1    These bylaws shall become effective for the Mid-Carolina Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa after acceptance by two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting, and after approval of these bylaws by the Board of Directors of Phi Delta Kappa International.




4.1       Amendment Procedures


4.1.1    Proposed amendments to these bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the chapter governing board at least 30 days prior to the amendment being set before the members for a vote.             Proposed amendments shall be communicated to all members of the chapter.             Proposed amendments shall be set before the members for a vote no later than 180 days following their submission to the chapter governing board.

4.1.2    Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds affirmative vote of those eligible members voting.

4.1.3    Amendments may become effective immediately upon ratification or not later than July 1 following the affirmative vote.


4.2       Order of Business for Chapter Meetings


4.2.1    The presiding officer shall call the meeting to order.

4.2.2    The normal order of business is as follows:

A.                 Approval of minutes of previous meeting

B.                 Treasurer’s report

C.                 Reports of standing committees

D.                Reports of special committees

E.                  Unfinished business

F.                  New business

G.                 Remarks of members and visitors which are unrelated to business and programs

H.                 Closing

4.2.3    The normal order of business may be altered by the presiding officer to accommodate guest speakers, or to allow for special programs.

4.2.4    A quorum shall consist of the members present at a chapter meeting.

4.2.5    A minimum of six meetings shall be held during the fiscal year.   

A.                 Chapters may substitute project activities for two of the six required meetings. 

B.                 However, one of the four meetings must be an initiation.